CGHP is a charitable programme funded entirely by donations and grants. Without funding, our work improving the quality of healthcare globally would not be possible.
Funding supports activities such as:
- Training sessions and mentoring
- Country visits
- Long term volunteer placements
- Purchasing teaching materials
- Monitoring and evaluation for impact
- Programme management and strategic planning
- Communications, events, networking, and advocacy
- Logistics and administrative support.
Our supporters include individuals, trusts and foundations, institutional donors, and corporate partners. Over the past year, thanks to the generosity of our supporters, our achievements include:
- 15 health partnerships in 8 countries covering 10 clinical areas.
- One CGHP Annual Event and the presentation of four inaugural CGHP Awards.
- 10 new East of England Global Health Fellows for 2024; 26 in total to date.
- 125 nurses with increased critical care knowledge and skill because of training delivered through the SCALE partnership.
- 50 Ugandan healthcare staff trained in Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care (BASIC) – the first ever BASIC course delivered Uganda.
- One Antimicrobial Stewardship Policy for Kakamega County published as part of the Kakamega Cambridge AMS partnership.
- Nearly 150,000 consultations delivered to around 60,300 registered patients as part of the Myanmar telehealth programme.
- One Global Health Fellowship pre-deployment training workshop delivered in Cambridge for the very first time.
- Three new members of staff joined the CGHP team, growing our skills, capacity, and knowledge.
We are committed to building strong relationships with our supporters and developing new sources of charitable income.
If you are interested in supporting our work you can donate online or for more information please get in touch with our Fundraising Lead, Hannah Wilson at
Our funding partners
We are grateful to our current and recent funding partners:
“Working as a long-term volunteer, as part of CGHP, in Myanmar for 3 months has been the most incredible experience. I have grown as a person and a professional hugely from taking part in this line of work … A particular highlight of mine has to be seeing immediate results after conducting a joint nursing-physiotherapy teaching on secretion management for patients on ICU … Being a part of this project and CGHP as a whole is something that would highly recommend to anyone.”
Sam Coleman, physiotherapist and long-term CGHP member in Myanmar, 2019-2020