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2022 Global Health Fellows

Providing the opportunity for senior trainees to develop greater understanding and participate in global health activities.

Marimba Carr

Marimba Carr

Public Health

Marimba is currently a Public Health Speciality Registrar in the East of England. Since 2018 she has worked on a range of initiatives in Local Authority, Health Protection and Screening and Immunisation placements as part of her training.

Marimba is a Registered Nutritionist and holds a master’s degree in Public Health from the London Metropolitan University.  Before starting her speciality training Marimba worked in London developing and delivering Public Health nutrition programmes ranging from promoting healthy weight in children, to community nutrition development, to addressing malnutrition in older people.

Marimba grew up in a rural area of South Africa and is looking forward to combining this experience with her Public Health skills to support Global Health Partnerships through the fellowship opportunity.

Sarah Chukwuma

Sarah Chukwuma

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

I am an ST5 Obstetrics & Gynaecology trainee in the East of England, having transferred to the deanery in 2019 from Yorkshire. Since then I’ve been working at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where I completed ST3 and ST4 before going on Maternity Leave in August 2020.

I returned to work in 2021 at the James Paget University Hospital as an ST5 trainee. The Global Health Fellowship, offered by the East of England Deanery, provides an exciting opportunity to work with one of the Cambridge Global Health Partnerships.

I am particularly interested in this role having previously undertaken many overseas projects, and most notably in the year prior to starting my training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology when I worked for an International NGO called MEDAIR in a refugee camp in South Sudan as the Reproductive Health Manager. In this role I was responsible for setting up a 24-hour delivery facility, which involved recruiting and training staff, as well as writing guidelines. I hope that this experience will help me contribute towards the work of one of the Cambridge Global Health Partnerships to achieve their goal of alleviating the greater burden of maternal morbidity and mortality that affects women from the Global South.

Elizabeth Marchant

Elizabeth Marchant

Public Health

Elizabeth (Liz) is a ST4 Speciality Registrar in Public Health in the East of England. She has recently completed a 2-year fellowship with the Field Epidemiology Training Programme in Public Health England and will be based with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office from September.

Elizabeth has experience in outbreak response and research in global health settings which is hoping to build on during her fellowship. In October 2020 Elizabeth was deployed to The Gambia with the UK Public Health Rapid Support Team to assist with the COVID-19 response and is continuing to collaborate with the Gambian Ministry of Health and MRC Gambia with a retrospective mortality survey. Over the last 18 months she has also been supporting The National Center for Disease Control and Public Health in Georgia with research in to sources of lead exposure in children and is a member of the Faculty of Public Health Special Interest Group on Yemen.

Elizabeth has a background in Epidemiology, Health Protection, Immunisation, and Medical Education. She holds a MPhil in Public Health and PGCert in Medical Education from the University of Cambridge.

Laura Hobbs

Laura Hobbs


I am an ST6 Anaesthetic Registrar, and am delighted to start my East of England Global Health Fellowship. I am interested in education and the development of trauma systems in low- and middle-income countries.

I live in Cambridge and hope to use the platform of this fellowship to increase awareness of the diverse work in global health around the region.

Shadia Luyima

Shadia Luyima


I have been a paediatric trainee in the East of England since 2016 and currently work as a speciality registrar at Broomfield hospital. I was introduced to global health during medical school and I have undertaken volunteering placements in East Africa, mainly Kenya and Uganda which led to me pursuing a Masters degree in Global health and Development at UCL which cemented my passion for a career in global health.

I believe that this fellowship will provide me with a unique opportunity for a shared learning experience and exchange of knowledge, skills and information between myself and my colleagues that I will work with that I undoubtedly believe will change and impact me as a doctor in the NHS. 

Kat Sharrocks

Laura Hobbs

Infectious Diseases

Kat Sharrocks qualified in Medicine from King’s College London, after completing a master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, and a DPhil in HIV Integrase research at Oxford University She moved to Cambridge with an Academic Clinical Fellowship in Infectious Diseases, and is currently an Infectious Diseases Registrar with interests in Infection Control and Immunodeficiency.

Dominic Sparkes

Dominic Sparkes

Infectious Diseases & Microbiology

Dominic joined CGHP as a Global Health Fellow in 2021.  He is a Specialist Registrar in Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology joining Cambridge University Hospitals in 2018, he has previously worked in hospitals in London and Leeds. He has a keen interest in medical education and is working towards a PGCert in medical education. He has been working with clinicians in Zimbabwe to form an educational partnership teaching registrars in both countries.